Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Message On Wedding Programs

How To Make A Wooden Platypus

Monday, May 14, 2007

Goldene Deagle Airsoft

concept: co-habitation of students living services and culture .

"co-residential interdisciplinary"

"A new concept of family and opportunities for new campus' social and cultural"

Important for the lack in residences for the many students and Erasmus, who attend the right 'of architecture and the intention to co-create residences where the concept of family change and create greater opportunities' meeting place for people of all female students aged children and older instead of being alone at home have the opportunity 'to interact and be in the company of others while maintaining their privacy.

spaces central garden courtyard and balconies that distribute the entire building, divided into apartments for students and non-library and multimedia areas and cafe restaurant.

Key: garden courtyard around which runs the building.

Green that will be 'the hub of the whole building, the more' important meeting place for all generations compared, the place from which to begin the various galleries leading to different functions.

"garden court"

Whooping Cough More Condition_symptoms Adults

Shower Curtains Beach

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Leukemia More Condition_treatment

URBAN # 58 May 2007

text: Andrea Baffigi / illustration: Gianpaolo Ragni

There are no nominations nor final prizes of € 5OOmila, but life in the palace in Via del Lago Temone 83, in Rome, is a kind of communal reality. Without cameras, of course, but with many scenes of life in common, starting from breakfast, which takes place on the porch. It happens at least once a month, hardly in a week, preferably on weekends. Everyone brings something, some coffee, some croissants, some fruit juices. The last time a month ago, was really nice, came also the administrator and is also fun. It was not the only one! In fact
opportunities for recreation in the company in this building there are Roman ... It all started with the building of the blog (http://condominiolagoterrione83.blogspot.com), a kind electronic bulletin board where anyone can say its a bit 'as in the confessional of the GF. The arguments are the most diverse cuisine, cinema, books, everything that comes to mind.

Everyone holed up in his apartment? No way. By way of Lake Terrion 83 condominium life in Rome seems almost a reality.

The idea came to Gloria about a year ago, the internal scale B 8, 43, Turin, home, make graphics and physiotherapist, as well as make jewelry. Now many condominiums not only write Blog and you know it, but am pleased to participate in various initiatives. It was enough just to create a feeling among neighbors who were previously unaware of flat, as happens in almost all buildings. His house is small, like all others, but fortunately the building, designed in the early '70s to accommodate small residence, has several common areas. Now all agree to use for events such as salt and light refreshments, not only as a place of passage. As in many reality shows, most of the day is lived together, especially in the evening when the residents meet at the entrance and maybe takes the collective vision. In fact, over the mailboxes are not only small flyers placed at random. There is much more. There are several books and DVDs, which form a small library is located, was born recently. Who wants it enjoys free, the important thing is to lose, perhaps along with some other means, so the exchange and also increases the resources available. The most beautiful, but also the worst, are reviewed on the blog, with an exchange between neighbors who then goes on stage and screen. If any evening there's nothing on TV so you do not need to go out to the video rental store: just browse over the mailboxes. Another peculiarity is that the Great Condominium hung on the doors of the first floor there are several "bags" as the upper floors. Inside you can find several objects because those who participate in this sort of game between the people what they want to hang the knob of his door: a flower, candy, magazines, clothes and gems. The idea is simple, but creates complicity between the different apartments.
Some of the girls put the plants outside the door, embellishing a bit 'down the hall. Then there's the coffee table in the lobby near the elevator, with over African figurines and incense that smells all scales: small details that make the most beautiful areas. Of course, inside the condo pool and sauna are missing, but the moments of leisure not as a drink in town, strictly on the landing just an i-Pod with speakers and is now party.
The invitation to participate, usually on a monthly basis, as well as on the website is a bulletin board hanging in the entrance, where the condominiums are exchanged text messages like, "I finished sugar. Help! Int 6" or " Who can give food to William these days? ", everyone knows that this is a cat.
is how during one of these events, easily exportable to other blocks, the interior has undergone the procedure 23 10, and just like the best reality shows are born friendship, love, even professional relationships. The only difference is that in the Great Condo on a Lake Terrion life continues even after leaving the home.